Thursday, June 5, 2014

Week One at Channel V Media

I am almost done with my first week as a public relations intern at the media and communications agency; Channel V Media. Going into my summer internship I wasn't entirely sure what to expect. Of course, I stalked the company website, read all the employee bios, and did research on potential tasks I would be given, but after just a few days of working at Channel V Media I realized I had a tainted view of what my summer job would consist of. I pictured myself sitting at a desk all day typing away at a computer, boy was I wrong. I have always viewed the working world as black and white. I mean this in both a literal and metaphorical sense. Literally, I imagined everyone would be dressed in black or white. Men would flaunt there white button down shirts and their freshly dry-cleaned black pants. I would too wear this traditional black and white attire. The walls would be a clean white with dark desks and the air would be dull. Metaphorically, I believed every task would be black and white, there would be a clear right and a clear wrong direction. I knew each task would be different and challenging in it's own way, but everyday would be pretty similar. 

As I walked into my new office in New York City, to my amazement not only was every employee in vibrant, trendy, and relatively comfy clothing, but the environment itself too reflected an array of colors, smells, and personalities. I soon learned the names of all the members at Channel V Media each one with their own story, strength, and position. 

One client at Channel V Media is a jewelry company called Fortune & Frame. The company was actually created by one of the partners at CVM. I am currently working on writing a pitch for her new wedding jewelry collection. This pitch will eventually be sent to multiple newspapers, magazines, bloggers, and websites in the hopes that they will post and write about the collection. I am also researching event venues for the opening along with brainstorming creative ways to send out the invites. I am shocked by the amount I have learned and accomplished in just one week. I am so excited to see what my internship has in store for me. I can't wait to experience and learn more from my bosses, colleagues and fellow interns.


  1. This sounds super fun! Where are the offices located? You definitely got very lucky to have such a great, hands on internship experience in New York. It is also amazing that you get to write and be creative, sounds like the ideal internship for someone interested in PR or communications, good luck!

    1. My office is located on corner of 14th and 8th (in the meatpacking district)

  2. Hey emma!

    I am also working in the PR industry and was not sure what to expect! I also wrote my first pitch yesterday - I was so confused when they asked me to write a pitch because I never written one before and I didn't even know what a pitch was! I wonder if our companies are similar and if we are doing similar tasks!

  3. Hey Em,
    Sounds so fun and interesting. Where is your office located? Would love to meet for lunch if your close to me :)

    1. My office is located on corner of 14th and 8th (in the meatpacking district)
