Thursday, June 5, 2014

The First Couple of Weeks

 Environment/ Initial Impression

The first couple weeks of my internship have been kind of slow, but the ball is starting to get rolling.  I am interning for the Pamela Brown Goodacre campaign as she runs for the state of Michigan's House of Representatives.  Currently Pamela is a trustee for the Kalamazoo township. There is a three way primary for the democratic nominee and my candidate is the only woman, person of color. She is also the candidate with the least amount of money, so we have our work cut out for us.  My internship will span the summer and I will mostly help with fundraising, but also field work.

So far I have noticed that everyone is pretty laid back.  Pamela invites me and the other interns to attend meetings with her, but if you cannot make one because of prior engagements there is no ill will.  Due to the fact that I also have a waitressing job, this is very nice and makes it easy to balance the two jobs.  My main job right now is making list of houses to mail literature to, and houses to walk to.  This requires software that I am able to access on my own computer and I mostly do this work from my home.  This gives me more freedom in my work hours, but also presents the challenge of time management. I have deadlines for when the lists are needed, and I am on track for meeting those deadlines. I also go to meetings with Pamela and take pictures for the campaign. I have only gone to one meeting so far, but It was quite the learning experience and I met a lot of interesting people from the Kalamazoo area.

Since I do some of my work from home I don't have to worry about what I wear. Also, when we have campaign meetings with the staff, the dress code is pretty relaxed, jeans and a nice shirt will do.  However, when I go to meetings with Pamela and she is campaigning, I dress very professionally.

As the race gets underway, I am sure the internship will get more intense and time demanding, but I look forward the challenge.  So far I love this internship because I am working in a field that I want to go into and for a candidate that I believe in. Pamela has said that this will be quite the learning experience and by the end of it I will be a pro. I can't wait!


  1. I can also relate to the very calm and relaxed atmosphere at the office. Working at the DNC, I thought it would be very strict and uptight, but I find that the laid back feel actually makes working,brainstorming and contributing so much easier and fun. Hope the rest of your internship goes well!

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  3. That's so cool, I'm currently interning for Rep. Charles Smiley at the State Capitol in Lansing! He represents the 50th district, which includes Burton as well as parts of Grand Blanc (just southeast of Flint). I'm not sure whose seat she is running for, but I'll definitely have to talk to Charlie and his aides about Pamela! We'll be campaigning this summer as well - for our last term. Also, I have another job as a waitress, too. We must have very similar schedules! Anyhow, when will you know who the democratic nominee is? I know you said you guys have the least amount of money, which is always tough, but I'm sure with your help as well as other dedicated staffers you guys could gain popularity with the constituents and really get her name out there. Best of luck to you in the campaign, and keep me posted about how it goes!

  4. Hi! It is so awesome that you have a laid back atmosphere at work and a casual dress code! I work in the ER of a hospital and so it is pretty stressful and our dress code is very, very strict! I hope you continue to have a great time at your internship!
