Friday, August 1, 2014

Blog #2 Time management

       On my 3rd day as an intern, I was instructed that I was to head down to corporate and pick up some damaged dresses. These dresses were to be brought back to the Vera Wang store so they could be sold to customers once returned to their original condition. The corporate building for Vera Wang isn't exactly walking distance from the Ready To Wear store so I was forced to figure out how to use the New York subway system. Although I can get my self to and from work, I haven't had as much experience getting from work to somewhere else, so this was a task that I was going to teach me a lot about city transportation. Once I made it to the train station, the trains were delayed which made me a bit nervous. I didn't want my manager to be upset if I took too much time and I wanted to be sure and get to the right place. Once the train finally came, I got on and waited to get to the next stop where I had to transfer trains. This is where things got complicated. I ended up getting on the right train but it was just going the opposite direction of where I needed to be. I quickly hopped off that train ran to the other side to go Uptown where the office is located. I finally made it to the office, a very stark room with the letters VW in metal print hung on the wall. I was given strict directions to talk to the receptionist and tell her I was there to pick up "damaged gowns."
       The receptionist looked at me as if she had no idea what I was talking about so I explained to her who I was directed by and that I was an intern from the Ready To Wear store and these were the specific items I needed. Finally, after being told to go to 3 different people I got a hold of the dresses and dashed down to the elevators running towards the train station. Although it took me a lot longer than I had expected, I explained to my manager that locating the dresses as well as the transit confusion, ended up slowing me down. Once explaining this to her, she understood because she knows that I am just getting to know the city as well as it not being my fault that they were unable to locate the dresses. Communication is key with the people who you work with and if you tell the truth people are more likely to be forgiving and helpful. 


  1. It sounds like the metro was tough to get a hang off but I'm glad you figured it all out! I definitely know how you feel I had to figure out how to use the metro here in India and the only thing that made it even more complicated was no one spoke English! Good luck on the rest of your internship!

  2. Tough part about being an intern is people don't look at you like you're much. But sounds like you kept pushing and got the job done and that's all that matters!
