Friday, August 1, 2014

CEO of the day at OXO

I definitely like my internship. What's not to like? I'm getting great experience that I can take into a real job. But if I were to be CEO for one day at my company, there is one thing in particular that I would change: I would add more people to my department. As I probably have mentioned before, my department is small and there is way to much work for my boss to handle, which is why she has me. There is another part-time PR person but she never comes to work. It's great that my boss has me. I help her with the work and I get to do real serious work that actually makes a difference for my company so I really enjoy that. However, after next week I am done with my internship and it goes back to being just my boss. I can tell by talking to her that she is really nervous. She takes on a lot of work by herself and I think she deserves another position working alongside her. She stays way too late and comes in way too early. Understandable, that happens in the work world but it honestly causes the work to be done slower when it's done by one person. Not to mention, my company has gained 40 employees in the last few years. We're a growing company with a lot of money, enough that we add new engineers, why can't we add one more PR position. So if I were the CEO, I would start posting on the internet that there was an open position and set up some interviews. I think it would be incredibly beneficial for OXO.


  1. I felt the exact same way about my job. I worked in a really small office also, and I think it's always a good idea to hire more people when there is too much work for such a small team.

  2. It's great that you felt this needed in your internship and I feel bad for your boss that she's about to be swamped! You should keep in touch and see if you can help her out in the future.

  3. It sounds like your company does great work but could definitely benefit from another set of hands. It's great that your time there was so useful to the company though. Maybe your time at OXO will have made such a big impact that your boss will speak up and ask for another intern through the fall!
