Monday, June 9, 2014

DNC Take 3

Well, I am entering my third full week of work and it has been amazing! I have learned so much since being here, I have met so many interesting people and I have explored DC every free moment I have. Throughout last week, we were given various projects to keep up with from day to day.As a result, I am almost always busy doing things, so the day goes by super quickly.

Me, as well as the other interns around the building, have finally gotten into the swing of things. I am starting to bond and connect more with people in my department, around the office, as well as my other fellow interns. I hope to be able to go beyond the department I am in, just so I can become equipped in all areas of the DNC.

There is such a sense of community here with me in DC. Not only am I living with all Michigan students interested in the same things as me, but I am also in a community at the DNC. They have scheduled weekly brown bag lunches hosted by the different departments, so we can network and learn more about what they do day in and day out. We are also going on various tours as an intern cohort. By the end of my summer in DC I will have had tours in places like the White House, the Capitol, Library of Congress and so much more. It is great because work allows me to be a tourist and a local. As interns we often hang out and go to local places and explore different parts of the city.

There is so much to do in DC. Jazz in the garden on Fridays, lectures and discussions at the Foreign Service Institute, etc. We are even going to DC Improv this weekend, which is supposed to be an experience. I also signed up for a discussion next week with the creator of House of Cards. There is never a dull moment in DC and I am excited for the next few months!

Here are some pictures of my adventures from the last week including some cool finds in the DNC storage unit, my view from work and etc:

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