Monday, June 9, 2014

Week Two! Getting to Know Staff

I've been working in the ER at St. Jose's Hospital for a couple of weeks now and I'm absolutely loving it! I now feel comfortable working in the ER and I already know a lot of the staff that works there too. I'm beginning to notice how the ER staff is like family. Some nurses and doctors have nicknames and they all work together to make the ER work. I've really enjoyed getting to know the staff and every single person I've worked with could be a great mentor. Shadowing doctors was a great experience because I had the opportunity to see the doctors put all of their knowledge to practice. Shadowing the nursing staff was also amazing because nurses have more patient interaction and their work is more hands-on. I was more able to get to know the patients while I was shadowing nurses which was an amazing experience. Every patient has their own story and I loved getting to hear a little snap shot of each patient's life. Overall, every single staff member in the Emergency Room is a mentor to me and they all have so much to teach! I'm looking forward to getting to know them all better!


  1. It is so nice that the ER staff is like a family, and it seems as thought you are meshing in very well with the team! Hopefully by the end of it they consider you too a member of the family!

  2. What day to day tasks have you been doing in the ER? Shadowing sounds like a great opportunity, are patients usually okay with interns shadowing doctors? Have you gotten to see anything particularly out of the ordinary or really beneficial for learning since you started?

  3. I too feel like I have a better understanding of the ebb and flow of the E.D. now that I have completed a few shifts. It is good to see that I am not alone in this conclusion.

  4. There's nothing better than having great relationships with the people working around you. This way if you ever need assistance, it makes it a lot easier if you know they're approachable. It's great that you're feeling so comfortable in your work environment, since many find that challenging during a summer internship. I am starting to feel the same way about the people I am working with.

  5. This sounds like an amazing opportunity if you are planning to go into the medical field. Working in an ER, does it get chaotic and how do you manage during those times? The only knowledge I have about hospitals in Grey's Anatomy and that is probably a horrible comparison to how a real hospital functions!
